
Android studio fragment lifecycle
Android studio fragment lifecycle

  • A queue change is sent whenever the play queue is changed.
  • The current playback position in milliseconds It uses the intent action and contains the following intent extras:
  • A playback state change is sent whenever the user presses play/pause, or when seeking the track position.
  • It uses the intent action, and contains the following intent extras:

    android studio fragment lifecycle

  • A metadata change intent is sent when a new track starts playing.
  • The following type of events are sent with these respective intent extras: Import import import public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver Sent Event Types
  • Distribution Requirements Distribution Requirements.
  • Commercial Hardware Commercial Hardware.
  • App Remote SDK and the Application Lifecycle.
  • android studio fragment lifecycle

    Authorization Guides Authorization Guides.

    Android studio fragment lifecycle